Welcome to Laura’s Crafty Life! My name is Laura, and I hope to inspire you to craft a creative and well-lived life. I create simple craft projects, free printables, and themed party ideas. I also share organizing tips and tricks and easy DIY projects.
My focus is on crafts and DIY, and I want to share it with all of you. It is a dream come true to share my love for being creative and making new things!
YOU can make beautiful things for your home, family, and friends.
About Me
I have been crafting since I was a child. I used to watch old sewing shows on TV and recreate quilt squares to make blankets for my Barbie dolls.
My mom also instilled a love of creating in me. She used to sew my clothes, designed a dollhouse and then a real house, plus made me Barbie clothes I still treasure.
She passed away from cancer when I was only eight years old, and that had a significant impact on my childhood.
I love rainbows, Harry Potter, LEGOs, washi tape, and my Cricut. Lately, I have enjoyed making wreaths. Also, how many are too many wreaths – asking for a friend?
Early Life
As a young girl, I created elaborate memory books from my trips to visit relatives. As I got older, I became interested in paper crafting, scrapbooking, and memory keeping.
I don’t have much left from when my mom was alive, and I wanted to preserve as much of my story as I could for my future children.
Along with my love for scrapbooking came a love of all things creative. I love to create home decor for our home, DIY big projects around the house, plus make festive holiday crafts and themed party decor.
I also have found a great love for creating free printables and digital art.
I have picked up many tips and tricks to make crafting easier. As a long-time crafter, I love sharing what I have learned with all of you. It doesn’t have to be hard or intimidating to create beautiful things!
In my 20’s
In the early 2000s, I graduated from Indiana University Bloomington with a Bachelor of Science in Biology, eight credits shy of getting my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.
I initially thought that I would go on to pursue my Master’s degree in genetic counseling, but life threw a few curve balls at me. Pursuing two bachelor’s degrees and working part-time left little time for much else.
I was burned out from school, so I took a break before pursuing my master’s degree.
After college, I worked as a daycare teacher and wasn’t making ends meet. I moved to Arizona to be near my parents and take a job doing medical billing. However, I still planned on going back to the Midwest, where I grew up, to get my master’s degree.
Soon after moving to northern Arizona, I met my now-husband! We fell in love, got married, bought a house, and started a family.
There was no going back to the Midwest now! My husband and I have been married for 19 years.
Life Now
We have two beautiful kids, four cats, and some fish. We also raiseĀ chickens.
This year, two skunks live on our property, along with a roadrunner and some rabbits. There are a lot of silly farm antics over here!
I love to garden, read, and craft. I am so grateful and blessed to be a maker and do what I love.
Being a self-employed business owner is a tough job, but being creative every day has been a dream come true. My schedule is flexible enough for me to be there for my kids in a way I know I wouldn’t be able to do with a traditional job.
Being a mom is my first and favorite job! I thought life would slow down a bit with both kids in school, but we seem busier than ever. I am loving this stage in life!
If you are new to Laura’s Crafty Life, Start Here! Feel free to contact me at any time.