Updated on December 29, 2023
Project Organize Refresh. A 31-day challenge to quickly and easily declutter and organize your home’s most used areas to start off the new year.
Who is ready for a fresh start?
Welcome back to Year 5 of the Project Organize Refresh!
Some years ago, I started Project Organize because I was feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and overall chaotic in my life. At the time, I had a 6-year-old and a 3-year-old and felt like I was not keeping it together at all.
I needed to hold myself accountable for organizing and controlling the chaos.
I planned to declutter and organize every room in my house. And while I didn’t blog about all of it, I did make a lot of progress.
And then, life would change. I went from one kid in school and one at home to both at school, but more after-school activities. At the same time, I was trying to grow my home business.
Every time something in life would change (as it inevitably and always does) I would get thrown for a loop and need to revisit my systems to figure out what was working and what wasn’t.
Project Organize Refresh
Over the years we accumulate SO MUCH stuff! And while I have been able to declutter and organize through the years, I need a major refresh once again.
I love to do a quick declutter every January after taking down the holiday decorations to get ready for the new year ahead.
This challenge is meant to be fun and simple. Do not get bogged down with details!
How it Works
- I will be posting the daily challenge on Instagram, Facebook, and in our Facebook Community* so you can follow along with me. *new members – be sure to answer the questions so I can approve you for the group
- Each day set a timer for 10 – 15 minutes and tackle one small area of your home.
- This is meant to be quick. This is not the time to pull everything out and go through each item meticulously piece by piece. Make quick decisions.
- Throw away any garbage, set aside items you want to donate or sell, and generally straighten up the area. If items belong somewhere else, set them aside for now.
- Do not buy any new storage or organizational items for this challenge. Use what you have, get creative, and if you think you need a new bin or box, make a list. If at the end of the challenge, you still need the bin or box, go ahead and add it to your next shopping trip.
I have found as I declutter I often move things around and end up being able to repurpose storage containers in different areas. - Some days have a general area like a bathroom cabinet or drawer. Pick ONE to work on – the one that is bothering you the most or makes your day the most difficult.
- At the end of the challenge, your home will feel lighter and you will have organized several problem areas in your home.
- Have fun!
Project Organize Challenge
Last, but not least, starting in February, we will once again be doing our Project Organize Challenge. The challenge is different from the refresh we will complete in January. The Project Organize Challenge will last 8 weeks. Again, I will be sharing on Instagram and in our Facebook Community.
Each week we will focus on one basic task that helps to keep our homes and lives running smoothly.
RELATED: More Project Organize Posts
The following week will build on the previous one, so at the end of the eight weeks, we will have eight new habits and systems running that will help us have the mental and physical space to do a deep declutter on our homes.
After the eight weeks are up, I will be sharing a specific area of my home where I am doing a deep decluttering and organizing project each month. I will share tips and tricks and budget-friendly ideas to help you organize your home, too!
Free Printable Project Organize Refresh Worksheet
I am so excited to have you join me on this journey. Grab your free Project Organize Refresh worksheet below to get started. This year I have included a general checklist that you can use any time of the year and a 2024 specific calendar if you are joining us in January.
Download: Checklist
This download is for personal use only. Do not share the direct link to the .pdf/.jpg file. When sharing, please link back to the original post.
Free Printable 2024 Declutter Calendar
Download: 2024 Calendar
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Betina Jessen says
I can completely relate to feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and chaotic in life, especially as a mom with young children. It’s so important to have strategies in place to help us stay organized and manage the chaos, and Project Organize Refresh sounds like a great way to do that. A 31-day challenge to declutter and organize the most used areas of our homes is a great way to start off the new year on the right foot. It’s always a good time to make a fresh start and hold ourselves accountable for maintaining a sense of order and control in our lives. Thanks for sharing your story and for introducing this helpful challenge to help others get organized and refreshed in the new year.