Updated on February 14, 2024
Project Organize Challenge. Join us in our Creative Community as we all work together to conquer our overwhelmed and busy schedules.
Friends, I am so excited to announce the Project Organize Challenge! If you are part of the Creative Community or Instagram, you may already follow along with the Project Organize Refresh we have been doing during January.
Now that we have some of our problem areas decluttered we are ready to move on to getting some routines and systems set up for running our homes smoothly.

The Project Organize Challenge
Welcome to Year 6!
We did our first live Project Organize Challenge in 2018. I recently attended a conference for creative bloggers, entrepreneurs, and business owners. My biggest takeaway from that particular Snap Conference was to figure out my purpose.
I love this little business of mine. My flexible schedule allows me to be there whenever my kids need me. And I can help bring in some extra money to help my family financially.
But . . . my bigger purpose for having this blog is to inspire people.
My tagline is “Craft a creative and well-lived life”. I love to share my creativity with all of you. I feel lucky to be able to encourage those of you who feel like you may not be the most creative – that there are crafts and projects you can do!
It is equally important to me to inspire as many people as possible to have a well-lived life. This looks different for every one of us.
I think it is important to carve out time for our priorities in life and focus on what truly matters. Sometimes, those priorities get pushed aside with all the daily struggles and mundane aspects of life.
We all can benefit from slowing down and simplifying. And I love creating a community with all of you here.
What is the Project Organize Challenge?
Several years ago, I started a series called Project Organize. I worked in several different problem areas of my home, like paper clutter, setting up a command center, and where to start when you are feeling overwhelmed. And I encouraged all of you to join in with me.
One of the fundamental parts of the series was working on the basics – things like doing dishes, laundry, and setting up routines and schedules.
It was a fun series because I needed the kick in the pants to get back into a routine with all these things.
This time around, we are going to do it together!
Each day, we will focus on a different basic household task until we have all these systems on auto-pilot.
This series will last for 2 weeks. We will focus on getting into a routine with the daily tasks listed below, Monday through Friday. We will leave on Saturday and Sunday to catch up. I will update the original posts along the way and post some other helpful tips as we go here on the blog.
Project Organize Challenge Schedule
- WEEK 1:
- Day 1: Use a Planner and Create a Master List
- Day 2: Set Up Routines and Schedules
- Day 3: Stop Multitasking!
- Day 4: Dishes
- Day 5: Kitchen Counters and Sink
- WEEK 2:
- Day 6: Laundry
- Day 7: Daily Pick Up
- Day 8: Make the Beds
- Day 9: Vacuum or Sweep
- Day 10: Sort the Mail and Papers
If these basic systems are not in place and running smoothly, they are the first things to go when life gets tough (hello – looking at you 2020 and 2021!). Then, the entire household erupts in chaos. It is not a fun place to be in.
How Can You Participate?
Join me in the Creative Community on Facebook, where I will post each day’s challenge, and we will encourage each other to work on that day’s task. We will have opportunities to share photos, encouragement, and ask questions.

You can also post your progress on Instagram using #projectorganize or #laurascraftylife.
What if I Already Have a Good Handle on These Basics?
I would still love for you to join us and participate. Having multiple points of view on what works for each person can be so beneficial for those of us still struggling.
What works for me may not work for someone else. But what you do might be just the inspiration someone else needs to make this process work!

This post is part of Project Organize: The Basics. Together, we will work on setting up basic systems in our homes to conquer overwhelmed and busy schedules.
These are the basics we need to do daily that will set up the foundation for success. This will allow us the space to tackle the larger decluttering projects with ease.

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Nicci Passamani says
Can’t wait to start!
Laura Silva says
I am so excited you are participating. Hopefully, it will bring some calm and order to our lives so we have time for what matters.