Updated on February 12, 2025
DIY Leather Earrings. Learn how to create custom leather earrings easily with a Cricut machine. You can customize the design, style, and color.
Craft supplies are not always cheap. You’ve spent a lot of money on that piece of faux leather only to have it shift off the mat, not cut all the way through, or even worse, destroy it completely.
Frustration brews when a project doesn’t turn out the way you plan. But you are in luck!
Today, I am going to show you how you can make gorgeous leather earrings with lots of helpful tips on how to get them cut right the first time. All the trial and error has already been done for you, by me.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Cricut. The opinions and text are all mine.
This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase something through the link, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge. Please read my full disclosure policy here. Thank you to Cricut for providing me with some of the products in this post.
Use Code: LAURA10 to save $10 off any cutting machine or heat press (no minimum). Excludes materials, accessories, mystery boxes, etc. (US and CA only). Unlimited uses per code. Expires 12/31/24
How to Make DIY Leather Earrings
- Cricut Machine
- StrongGrip Cutting Mat
- Faux Leather – Sapphire
- Fishhook Finding
- Flat Nose Pliers
- Jump Ring
- Fabri-Tac Glue
Create Design in Cricut Design Space
Start by creating your design in Cricut Design Space™.
I found my images by searching for the word “flourish”. This pulls up lots of fun designs you can make into earrings. The two images I used are Flourish #M34075 and Branch #M372A5.
RELATED: How to Use Images in Cricut Design Space

Cricut Design Space File: Leather Earrings
I sized the leaf/branch design to 1.5″ wide (which is 1.5″ tall with the way we are going to use the branch). For the branch shape, I deleted the pink layer for the leaves, so it was just the background image.
The flourish design I made 1.75″ wide (again, this will make the earring 1.75″ tall).If you are cutting out the same material, make them both the same color in your design. You can easily do this using the Sync tool in the layers panel.

Helpful tip: Keep the padlock closed when editing the height or width to keep your image proportional.
RELATED: How to Use Color Sync in Cricut Design Space
Cut Leather Earrings with Cricut
Click Make It. Edit Project Copies to 2 so you get a set of earrings. If your image is not the same front and back, select “mirror image” since you will be placing your cutting material face down.
Place your faux leather on the StrongGrip mat face down.
Set the Smart Set Dial to Custom (if using Cricut Explore machines) and choose “Leather, Faux, 1mm”. Load your mat and click Go.

Note: On the package of faux leather it says you can use a StandardGrip mat (green). I found the StrongGrip mat (purple) to work better to keep the material on the mat.

Helpful tip: Place the leather on the mat with the fuzzy side up. You can place your material on the mat with the leather side up, but when the machine cuts you will end up with fuzzies on your mat. Also, you may have trouble with the leather moving around while cutting.

Attach Jewelry Findings
To finish off the leaf branch earrings, use a little dot of fabric glue to attach the top edge to a jump ring. Fold the top over the jump ring and secure it with glue.
Attach the jump ring to a fishhook finding. Use flat-nose pliers to pull open the jump ring, attach the jump ring to the earring, and then close the jump ring securely.

For the flourish earrings, use a piercing tool to create a small hole in the top of the leather design.

Open the bottom loop of the fishhook finding using flat-nose pliers. Thread the loop through the leather earrings.

Close the loop using your pliers.

Cricut Access includes so many fun designs that would make adorable earrings. Try searching for the words flourish, leaf, or feather. Also, check out the Leather Earrings Image Set for more beautiful designs.

I get asked all the time – what different materials can I cut with the Cricut? Below are just some of the projects I have made with my Cricut cutting out different materials:
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Margot Hovley says
I cut earrings out of real leather with the knife blade, and there is a lot of fuzz around the edges, making the cuts not have that nice sharp look. Any advice? I’m using a maker with strong grip mat. I’m going around the cuts with an exacto knife but it still doesn’t look sharp and clean.
Laura Silva says
Make sure you are putting the smooth side down on the mat. Use a clean Strong Grip mat (the purple one). Use a brayer to make sure the leather is firmly adhered to the mat before cutting. Also, make sure your knife blade is clean and free of any debris. Depending on the leather you are cutting, you may need to adjust the settings to get a cleaner cut. I hope that helps!
Shellie Kamaus says
Is it okay for earrings to have the fuzzy stuff on back?!?!
Laura Silva says
That is completely a personal preference. I don’t mind it, so I usually just leave mine like that. However, if you want a more finished look, you can mirror the images, and cut two more of the design, and then glue the wrong sides together before making them into earrings.
Victoria says
This is so helpful. Thank you. What type of glue would you recommend?
Laura Silva says
I like the Fabric-tac I recommended in the post. It works really well for keeping everything together.
Sandy says
Hello, I appreciate your tutorial for the leather earrings… I tried several times, setting my material to paper thin and the 1mm like you suggested. I pressed my leather fuzzy side up and pressed really good but everytime the leather would move. Brand new purple strong grip mat too. Can you advise to what be wrong. Thank you.
Laura Silva says
Can you tell me which machine you are using, and what faux leather brand you are using? This will help me narrow down how to help you more!
Jama says
I am having the same problem. I have a cricut explore air 2, new strong grip mat, The Ribbon Boutique faux leather ribbon from hobby lobby. The smooth pieces will stick but the textured leather will not. I even tried both the leather side and the fuzzy fabric side. HELP!!!
Laura Silva says
I have had the best luck with the Cricut faux leather. If you are going to try a different brand you can place transfer tape, sticky side up on your mat. Then, place your faux leather with the leather side down. Then cut out your leather, as usual.
Cortni says
I am new to the cricut, I recently bought an Air Explore 2. When I cut the faux leather I have, which is not cricut brand it doesn’t cut through the front side of the fabric. I have it set on the Faux leather and you can see it cuts through the back but not the front. Any ideas?
Laura Silva says
You have two options. You can adjust the settings to cut a thicker/heavier material than the faux leather (you will choose one with a higher cut pressure). The settings for all the materials for the smart set dial can be found here: https://help.cricut.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009504773-Which-materials-can-I-cut-with-my-Cricut-Explore-and-Maker-machine-. The other option is to cut it a second (or third) time. Make sure to not unload your mat before performing additional cuts.
Karla says
I am trying to make earrings that have the center cut out of them. Once it cuts the outside of the earrings, it comes off the mat. Any suggestions for getting it to stay on the mat throughout the entire cut?
Laura Silva says
I asked in my Cricut group. You want to make sure the inside cuts before the outside. To do this you have to rearrange the layers in the layers panel. It cuts from bottom to top, so you will want to move those into the correct positions. Hope that helps!
Karla says
Thank you so much! I guess that makes sense if I stop and think about it! Thanks for taking the time to ask around! Merry Christmas!
Lisa says
If I couldn’t find the faux leather color/design that I wanted but found the vinyl in the color/design, couldn’t I just cut the vinyl and put it on top of the leather?
Laura Silva says
I think that would work great! Just follow the instructions on both materials for the temperature and time to set the iron-on material. I would go with the lowest setting and adjust from there to get a good bond.
Victoria says
255 for 30 sec. Works best. Good luck.
Briana says
I tried making leather earrings last night using faux leather fabric I bought from Walmart. I have the Cricut explore air 2. I watched multiple videos and tried different things. Fabric face up and faced down, backing it with transfer tape, using the deep cut blade and the regular blade. Every time I tried to cut a design the fabric would move. I was also using the strong grip map. Do you think you could help me with this? I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong or if it’s the fabric.
Laura Silva says
Are you using the Cricut faux leather or another brand? I had great success with the Cricut faux leather on a strong grip mat with the fabric face down. You could try using some masking tape/painters tape around the edges of your fabric before cutting and that should help hold everything in place.
Joyce Cote says
Thank You so much for this post!!! I’ve been wanting to make some faux leather earrings, but was really afraid of messing up lol with your very clear instructions, I think I can do it!! Off to order some faux leather!! Love the leaf earrings!! Tx so much for helping out this newbie!! Oh,any suggestions for where to buy the other materials??
Laura Silva says
My favorite place to buy jewelry findings is Michaels or JoAnns. You can now order online and pick up in stores at Michaels. Here are all the jewelry findings there: Michael’s Jewelry Findings. Hope that helps!
Janet Bond says
Laura have you ever tried making a bracelet with the faux leather? Having trouble finding the right closure device for how thin the leather is. Didn’t know if you had any ideas.
Laura Silva says
I have not made a bracelet with the faux leather, but it sounds like a fun idea. I think you could use the same technique as the earrings and poking a hole and using a jump ring. Then attach each jump ring to the clasp of your choice.
Britrany says
Hi! I am having trouble finding the leaf pattern under flourish. Do you know if it is still available? Thanks for the help!
Laura Silva says
Try typing in Branch #M372A5 into the image search bar. It should be the first image to pop up. The original color of the design is brown and pink. Or you can click on the link to my project and then just delete the one you don’t want. Click here: Leather Earrings.. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Vanessa says
Thanks for this Laura I recently tried cutting leatherette on the blue mat face up let’s just say I wasted the material and ended up using scissors.
I will definitely try it your way
Laura Silva says
Let me know how it turns out! I would love to see your finished project. Feel free to share pictures of your project in our Facebook Community.
Ashley says
What blade did you use to cut
Laura Silva says
I used the regular blade that comes with the Cricut Explore Air 2. Hope that helps!
Dara says
How do you finish the felt? Someone mentioned to cut a mirror image and glue them together. Is there a different way?
Laura Silva says
I didn’t finish the back side of the faux leather. I simply cut out one layer and added the earring to the top. If you wanted to have leather on both sides, that is exactly what you would do. Cut out one set, then mirror the image and cut out another set. Then glue them together. I hope that helps!
kayla says
I’m wondering how you were able to cut your leather so Intricately I’ve tried so many things and I have literally failed to cut something as small as your Demonstrations I am using fox for leather and it moves around it won’t cut that finally I’m so confused please help
Laura Silva says
Can you tell me specifically what you are having trouble with? Then, I can try to narrow down what might be the problem.
kayla says
Yes cutting the faux furr leather with my cricut into Intricate designs like yours examples. Mine pulls
Michele Kendall says
I didn’t see this before so I sent you an email. But I can’t find the earring on design space under flourish
Laura Silva says
You should be able to open up this Cricut Design Space file on your computer and see the design. Save the project on your computer, and then you can use the design on your mobile app. However, the saved file I have shared will not open by itself on a mobile device. If that doesn’t work for you, you can copy and paste either “Flourish #M34075” or “Branch #M372A5” into the image search and they should be the first images that pop up. I hope that helps. Please let me know if you have any more trouble.
Jess says
Great tutorial! I tried to cut once, but it cut my mat! Not through the mat, but defiantly cut it. Any tips? ^_^
Laura Silva says
I would love to be able to help you, but I need a little more information first. What kind of machine were you using? And what material were you trying to cut?
Jess says
oops, lol i had a moment. I tried to cut the circut faux leather (the wood grain pack) on the green mat using an explore air 2 and it cut through and left marks on the mat, and my leather was moving around. I was thinking of using the extra grip mat but I’m afraid it’ll damage it >.<
Briana Kim says
wow, I had no idea you could cut faux leathwr material with the cricut! That opens up so many possibilities :) btw, just discovered your blog.. thanks for this great tutorial!
Laura Silva says
Aw, thank you for your kind words! I am looking forward to trying out cutting real leather with my Cricut as well. I will post a new tutorial as soon as I do. But the faux leather from Cricut is awesome. And it comes in tons of colors!