Updated on February 24, 2023
Utility Phone Numbers. 31 days of free printables to get your home life organized. Free printable utility contacts list. Add it to your planner or home management binder.
Welcome to Day 6 of the 31 Days of Homemaking Printables series.
In the contact section of my home management binder, I keep a printout of all of my utility names, account numbers, and phone numbers.
These are not listed with my emergency contact numbers because I keep the utility numbers in the contact section of my binder. The emergency numbers are on the very first page of my binder.
If our power goes out, or we have a water leak, I can easily find my information to call the utility company I need without having to search through old bills or statements. I usually will keep the main service number and then any other numbers I have specific to the company, such as technical support, or emergency numbers.
I do not add billing phone numbers here since I am using this sheet mainly for emergencies. If I have a problem with billing, I usually have the bill in front of me with any necessary phone numbers.
Free Printable Utility Phone Numbers List
I have two options available for you to download – a pre-filled sheet with common utility services and also a blank one if my version doesn’t fit the utilities you currently have.
The pre-filled sheet also has a few blank spaces to add any other names and numbers that I have not listed. There is space under the names and numbers to add both the company name and account number.

Download: Utility Contacts or Blank Utility Contacts
These downloads are for personal use only. Do not share the direct link to the .pdf/.jpg file. Please link back to the original post when sharing.
Tomorrow I will be sharing another printable for the 31 days of homemaking printables series.
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Candace says
YEs!! Gorgeous AND useful :) Thank you for including a blank version that we can fill in with specific categories since everyone’s needs are different. You Rock, Laura! Thank you for sharing :)
Laura Silva says
So glad you found it helpful Candace! Thank you for your kind words.
silvia says
Thank you for sharing this template for free. I have been looking for this kind of template that suited what I want for 1 hour and so glad to found this. This is really helping me for my home activity.
Laura Silva says
So glad you found it helpful! Enjoy your week.
Heather says
I have been somehow missing your emails. Thanks for doing these – I will have to go back to day one and print them all out.