Updated on February 24, 2023
Printable Guest List. 31 days of free printables to get your home life organized. Today’s printable is a guest list tracker. Add it to your planner or home management binder.
Welcome to Day 21 of 31 Days of Homemaking Printables series.
Yesterday I shared a party planning schedule. Today, I have a sheet for recording all of your guest list details.
The guest list includes a place to record names, whether the invitation has been mailed or delivered, and the RSVP with a space to record how many people. You can also record what gift was received at the party (if it was a birthday or holiday celebration) and a place to check off that a thank you card has been sent.
Note: I do not include a space for addresses or phone numbers of guests. Most people have this information stored on their computer’s contact list or an address book. There is no need to duplicate all of that information.
Related: Party Planning Printable (Black and White Version)
Free Printable Guest List

Download: Guest List
This download is for personal use only. Do not share the direct link to the .pdf/.jpg file. Please link back to the original post when sharing.
Tomorrow I will be sharing another printable for the 31 days of homemaking printables series.
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