Updated on February 24, 2023
Family Favorite Recipes. 31 days of free printables to get your home life organized. Today’s printable helps you keep track of your family’s favorite recipes. Add it to your planner or home management binder.
Welcome to Day 14 of 31 Days of Homemaking Printables series.
So far in talking about meal planning, you can print out a grocery shopping list and a meal planner. Now, you are ready to actually sit down and write out a meal plan.
Related: Meal Planning Tips
Do you have a bunch of family favorite recipes you cook most of the time? I know I do.
I don’t want to cook these recipes every single day, as we do like to try out new things, however, if all else fails there are certain meals I know I can either prepare quickly, are inexpensive, or that I know my kids will eat. All are win-wins in my book!
Free Printable Family Favorite Recipe List
Today’s printable gives you a place to jot down all those family favorites. If you cook from your pantry or freezer a lot, these dishes will be the ones that you often already have most of the ingredients on hand for.
This is not meant to be a place where you list every single recipe you have ever tried, but if you keep coming back to the same ones over and over, here is a place to jot them down to help you get your weekly meals planned out faster.
Basically you will create lists of all of your favorite meals. There are spaces on the front page for main dishes, and side dishes on the back. I place it in my home management binder under the section meal planning.
Download: Family Favorite Recipes
This download is for personal use only. Do not share the direct link to the .pdf/.jpg file. Please link back to the original post when sharing.
Tomorrow I will be sharing another printable for the 31 days of homemaking printables series.
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