Updated on February 24, 2023
Weekly Meal Plan. 31 days of free printables to get your home life organized. Plan out breakfast, lunch, and dinner with this weekly meal planner. Add it to your planner or home management binder.
Welcome to Day 13 of 31 Days of Homemaking Printables series.
Now that you have printed off your grocery shopping list, it is time to sit down and write out your meal plan for the week.
Related: Monthly Meal Planning
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How to Weekly Meal Plan
I added space to record your breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack and/or dessert. For those of you that prepare lunch for yourself, your spouse or your children each day, you know having a plan in place ahead of time can be really helpful.
There is also a small section for any notes you may need to make.
I try to shop from my pantry, refrigerator, and freezer first. I plan meals based on what we have on hand and what needs to be used up before it goes bad.
Related: Freezer and Pantry Inventory
Then, I arm myself with my weekly sales flyer from the grocery store(s). Going through the sale flyer I plan the rest of my meals mostly from what is on sale. Sometimes I have a special meal planned or need extra ingredients for a recipe, but I almost never buy anything that isn’t on sale. As I plan out my meals, I write on my grocery shopping list any items I need to purchase.
An ideal week for me: The sales flyers come out on Wednesday and I give them a quick look over. Thursday I clean out the fridge and meal plan for the following week. Saturday or Sunday I go shopping for the upcoming week, alone without the children.
Each night while preparing dinner I look to the following day to see if anything needs to be defrosted or prepared for the crockpot.
Free Printable Weekly Meal Plan
You can make these reusable by laminating and using a dry erase marker, or place in a clear page protector and use a wet-erase marker. This will allow you to use print it once and use it over and over again! You can include it in the meal planning section of your home management binder.

Download Weekly Meal Plan
This download is for personal use only. Do not share the direct link to the .pdf/.jpg file. Please link back to the original post when sharing.
Tomorrow I will be sharing another printable for the 31 days of homemaking printables series.
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Barbara Bradford says
I love having your 31 Days of Homemaking Printables series come right to my email, but I sometimes forget to come and comment. Big thanks on all the printables. I am making these for my grand kids who are starting life off on their own. You are so thoughtful to share these. Thanks
Lauras Crafty Life says
Thanks so much Barbara! (Lovely name, by the way – that was my mom’s name.) I am so glad the printables can help! It can be a daunting task to take care of a family and a home and anything we can do to make it more organized, which in turns usually means easier, I am all for!
Lindsey says
Hi, Laura!
I’m Lindsey and I’m a new subscriber. I love your weekly meal planner. My hubby and I are saving to buy our first home, and this will help out greatly! I have to say, there will be a lot of Top Ramen dishes written in–we’re on that kind of budget! Haven’t we all at some point? :) I’m thinking about writing about all the different healthy ways I have learned to cook Top Ramen noodles on my blog!
Thanks again…I hope you’re having a happy day!
Lauras Crafty Life says
Thanks so much! After this series I will share more about how I meal plan and save money both with and without coupons. That would be great to share your recipes! I am sure a lot of people could benefit from that. I do know that by meal planning we save a lot more money. If I am running to the store constantly or don’t have a plan in place, we end up spending more on all those little trips or eat out for convenience sake. It adds up super quick!