Updated on June 12, 2024
Beados – Crafting with Kids. Unleash your child’s creativity with Beados playsets from Moose Toys. Choose a template, add beads and spray with water!
In just a few short days the kids will home for Christmas break for two weeks. If it were up to them, I think they would be content to watch TV and play video games all day. However, that doesn’t work for this mom. I like to have some fun outings planned, some down time, and some things we can all do together. One of the things I love to do is craft projects with my kids. I found the coolest new product we can use for crafting – Beados!

I am always working on something for the blog and my daughter especially loves it when I give her some of my craft supplies to create her own project with. However, I always think it is fun to get the kids something that is specifically for them. Have you heard of Beados before? Your kids can create their own unique characters and designs really easily!

Simply choose your template, add the beads and spray them with water. No heat, no glue, no mess! Once dry, the beads are fused together and kids can place their designs in the enclosed display stands and use the connectable play pads and scene cards to create a Beados world of their own.

We had the opportunity to try out the Beados Scoop ‘n’ Mix playset. It is so adorable! Once you open up the package, you can sort all the different colored beads in the candy stall.

Then, create to your heart’s content.

My son even got in on the action and created his own little character.

I love that the kids can use the templates to get them started with creating designs. Once they figured out how it worked, they were off to create their own unique designs. I love to be able to encourage creativity in my kids.

Beados make a great holiday gift to keep your kids busy during the cold winter days of their holiday break. I can’t wait to see what other creations my kids come up with. From collectibles to crafts, Moose Toys has your kids’ holiday wishlist covered!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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